After a brief introduction of his own life in chapter one, he goes on to argue for the truth of Spiritualism as he sees it. Calling it a 'New Revelation'
For more information about Doyle and Spiritualism:
Chapter 2 ...The Revelation (Excerpts from the actual text now follows...)
'I can now turn...to a more impersonal view of this great subject. Allusion has been made to a body of fresh doctrine. Whence does this come? It comes in the main through automatic writing where the hand of the human medium is controlled, either by an alleged dead human being,as in the case of
miss Julia Ames, or by an alleged higher teacher, as in that of Mr Stainton Moses
Doyle then describes various methods by which communication has come from the spirit world....
such as Trance, Direct Voice, verbal messages from mediums, the family circle and table tilting.
'Now, of course, we are at once confronted with the obvious objections....how do we know that these messages are really from beyond?' he asks. He asserts that this is a perfectly just criticism, and one that must be rigorously applied in every case.
'The answer must be that we require signs which we can test...In old days they demanded a sign from a prophet....', examples are then given of evidence from well respected mediums of the time....Stainton Moses, Mr Stead, Arthur Hill,...
This book makes good background reading for those wishing to learn more about the early history of modern Spiritualism in a short volume. The language is a little dated for modern taste, but it gives a good insight into the ideas surrounding the subject, over a hundred years ago.
Doyle criticises Christianity for losing the important teachings of 'Christ':
'When I read the New Testament with the knowledge which I have of Spiritualism, I am left with a deep conviction...When we read so many references to the phenomena with which we are familiar, the levitations, the tongues of fire, the rushing wind,the spiritual gifts, the working of wonders, we feel that the central fact of all, the CONTINUITY OF LIFE and the COMMUNICATION WITH THE DEAD, (my capitals) was most certainly known.'
Well, that is it for today.....Phoebe my dog is refusing to be ignored.....to be continued